Directorate of Peat Ecosystem Destruction Control

Directorate of Peat Degradation Control has the task of carrying out the preparation of formulation, implementation, coordination and synchronization of policies, technical guidance and evaluation of the implementation of the technical guidance, supervision and implementation of regional affairs of peat ecosystem destruction control.

Ir. Sri Parwati Murwani Budisusanti, M.Sc

Born in Sukoharjo on March 18, 1963. Started her career as a Candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) on March 1, 1993. Graduated from UPN Veteran Yogyakarta majoring Agriculture in 1987 and holds Master Degree from Environmental Management and Policy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York State in 1999.

Pernah menjabat sebagai Kepala Bidang Perkebunan pada Asisten Deputi Pengendalian Pencemaran Agro Industri pada Deputi II MENLH, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup, Kepada Bidang Industri Kimia pada Asisten Deputi Pengendalian Manufaktur, Deputi II MENLH, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup, Kepala Bidang Industri Kimia pada Asisten Deputi Pengendalian Pencemaran Manufaktur, Deputi II MENLH, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup, serta menjabat sebagai Aisten Deputi Pengendalian Pencemaran Agroindustri dan Usaha Skala Kecil, Deputi II MENLH, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup. Pada Tahun 2015, IR Sri Parwati Murwani Budisusanti M.Sc dilantik sebagai Direktur Pengendalian Pencemaran Air dan di tahun 2018 dilantik sebagai Direktur Pengendalian Kerusakan Gambut pada Direktorat Jenderal Pengendalian Pencemaran dan Kerusakan Lingkungan, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan.

Directorate of Peat Degradation Control

As mandated in article 662 of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia regulation Number P. 18/MENLHK-II/2015 regarding the Organization and the Work of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Directorate of Peat Degradation Control has the task of carrying out the preparation of formulation, implementation, coordination and synchronization of policies, technical guidance and evaluation of the implementation of the technical guidance, supervision and implementation of regional affairs of peat ecosystem degradation control.
In carrying out the task, the Directorate of Peat Destruction Control served a 7 (seven) functions as mandated by article 663 as follows:
a. Preparation of formulation of the policy of inventory and determination, preparation and evaluation plans, prevention and control as well as restoration of the peat ecosystem functions destruction;
b. Preparation of implementation of the policy of inventory and determination, preparation and evaluation of plans, prevention and control as well as restoration of the peat ecosystem functions destruction;
c. Preparation of coordination and synchronization of the policy of inventory and determination, preparation and evaluation of plans, prevention and control as well as restoration of the peat ecosystem functions destruction;
d. Drafting of norms, standards, procedures, and criteria for inventory and determination, preparation and evaluation plans, prevention and control as well as restoration of the peat ecosystem functions destruction;
e. Serving technical guidance and evaluation of the implementation of the technical guidance of the inventory and determination, preparation and evaluation plans, prevention and control as well as restoration of the peat ecosystem functions destruction;
f. Supervision of the implementation of the inventory and determination affairs, preparation and evaluation of plans, prevention and control as well as restoration of the peat ecosystem functions destruction in regional area; and
g. Implementation of Directorate Administration.
Carrying out its function and task, Directorate of Peat Destruction Control has 3 (three) Sub Directorate and 1 (one) Sub Section of Administration, as follows:
1. Sub Directorate of Inventory and Determination, Its main task is carrying out the preparation of the formulation, implementation, coordination and synchronization of the policies, serving technical guidance and evaluation of the implementation of the technical guidance, supervision and implementation regional affairs of the inventory and determination of peat ecosystems in local area.
Sub directorate of Inventory and Determination in carrying out its tasks and functions, aided by the 2 (two) Chief of Section, i.e:
a. Section of Inventory of Peat Hydrological Unit Function, who is in charge of conducting the collecting and processing of materials for formulation preparation, implementation, coordination and synchronization of policies, technical guidance and evaluation of the implementation of the technical guidance, and supervision of the implementation of regional affairs of inventory and verification of the Peat Hydrological Unit Function; and
b. Section of Determination of Peat Ecosystem Hydrological Unit Function, who is in charge of conducting the collecting and processing of materials for formulation preparation, implementation, coordination and synchronization of policies, technical guidance and evaluation of the implementation of the technical guidance, and supervision of the implementation of regional affairs of the Peat Hydrological Unit Function Determination.
2. Sub Directorate of Peat Destruction Control Planning, its main task is conducting the preparation the policy implementation and formulation. Serving technical guidance and evaluation of technical guidance implementation in the field of peat destruction control planning.
Sub Directorate of Peat Destruction Control Planning in carrying out its task and function aided by the 2 (two) Chief of Section, i.e:
a. Section of Planning Preparation who is in charge for conducting the collecting and processing of materials for formulation preparation, implementation, coordination and synchronization of policies, technical guidance and evaluation of the implementation of the technical guidance, and supervision of the implementation of regional affairs of the Planning Preparation of the peat destruction control; and
b. Section of Evaluation Planning, who is in charge for conducting the collecting and processing of materials for formulation preparation, implementation, coordination and synchronization of policies, technical guidance and evaluation of the implementation of the technical guidance, and supervision of the implementation of regional affairs of the evaluation planning of the peat destruction control.
3. Sub Directorate of Peat Ecosystem Preservation, its main task and function is conducting the preparation the policy implementation and formulation. Serving technical guidance and evaluation of technical guidance implementation in the field of peat ecosystem preservation.
Sub Directorate of Peat Ecosystem Preservation in carrying out its task and function aided by the 2 (two) Chief of Section, i.e:
a. Section of Prevention and Monitoring, who is in charge for conducting the collecting and processing of materials for formulation preparation, implementation, coordination and synchronization of policies, technical guidance and evaluation of the implementation of the technical guidance, and supervision of the implementation of regional affairs of the peat ecosystem destruction prevention and monitoring; and
b. Section of Prevention and Recovery, who is in charge for conducting the collecting and processing of materials for formulation preparation, implementation, coordination and synchronization of policies, technical guidance and evaluation of the implementation of the technical guidance, and supervision of the implementation of regional affairs of the peat ecosystem prevention and recovery.
4. Sub Division of Administration, its main task and function is conducting the management of the administration affairs, the program and budgeting, staffing, financial, domestic affairs, archival and Directorate report.

Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 24 Kebon Nanas Jakarta Timur
Building B 4th floor – Indonesia, Zip Code 13410
Phone/Fax : +62-21-8520886 / +62-21-8580105.


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