Inventory of Provincial and District Peat Ecosystem (Scale 1: 50,000)

The implementation of provincial and district Peat Ecosystem inventory, as referred in Article 13 paragraph (1), is based on the results of the national Peat Ecosystem inventory, as referred in Article 8. The implementation of provincial and district Peat Ecosystem inventory, as referred in paragraph (1), is carried out to obtain increased accuracy using: a. topography map on a scale of 1: 50,000 from Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency; b. interpretation maps derived from high resolution remote sensing imagery; c. field survey results. Article 14 section (1) in Ministerial Regulation Number P.14/2017 explains that the field survey, as referred to in Article 13 section (2) letter C, is carried out to obtain characteristics data (physics, chemistry, biology, hydropography, and type of sediment under peat) by systematic method observation composed of longitudinal and transverse transects (Figure 1): a. the distance between longitudinal transects is 2 kilometers, with the distance of each observation point is 500 meters; b. the distance between transversal transects is 3 kilometers, with the distance of each observation point is 1,000 meters; c. the starting point of the two transects is determined from one of the dome peaks.

Figure 1. Illustration of Transect Pathway and Point Sampling Determination in Inventory Characteristics of Peat Ecosystem (scale of 1:50.000) Field survey, as mentioned in Article 14 Section (1), should collect the following data and information: a. location, occurrence, and area of peat hydrological unit b. physical, chemical, biological characteristics, hydrotopography, and type of sediments beneath the peat, including: 1. observation point location (coordinate) 2. elevation of observation point 3. groundwater, puddle or flood 4. the condition of land cover and land use 5. the existence of protected flora and fauna 6. the condition of natural and artificial drainage 7. water quality 8. type of overflow 9. peat thickness 10. proportion of peat weight 11. damage level of peatland 12. characteristic of layer beneath the peat 13. characteristic of soil and depth of pyrite layer Field survey and characteristic inventory of peat ecosystem in business area is required a person in charge under supervision of the Director General, as mentioned in Article 14 Section (3).
